Thursday, March 13, 2014

Latin Percussion Trio

        It's not every day when you have three of the greatest percussionist in the world be together in one place, let alone in the same band. In Carlos Santana's song "Jingo" there is a lot of percussion happening throughout the the whole thing and by a lot I mean A LOT! Now if you think that the selection having a lot of percussive instrumentation was cool, what if you were informed that Raul Rekow, Karl Perazzo, and Dennis Chambers were the ones playing those percussion parts. I'll give you a few seconds to process done?......ISN'T THAT FREAKING AWESOME!!!
       What you are about to watch is the "Jingo" Live at Montreux and also "Oye Como Va" Live at Montreux. Yes I know I was taking about Jingo but I mean come on don't forget that it's still Santana and it ain't Santana with out Oye Como Va. I hope you enjoy the videos you are about to watch and I also hope you are moving and grooving to the sweet sound of Santana and the amazing latin percussion trio. Enjoy! :)

The Tech Life #2

Here's another behind the scenes look at another great drummer's drum tech. Chris Warren, drum tech for the awesome Chad Smith from Red Hot Chilli Peppers. He gives you a tour of Chad's kit and how teching for him can be awesome, insane, and straight up hilarious!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Lickety Split!

      This is for all you marching people and rudiment junkies. This is called the "Lickety Split" and it is instructed by Emmanuel Deleon. Enjoy!!!