Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rhythm In Education

   Now I love playing music and I also try to relate it to other things or subjects so other people can try to get a better grasp on music and whatever other thing they are focusing on. Now I am very big on trying to relate music with school/educaton, even though I'm not really best person when it comes to academics but I love to try to find new ways where I can try to connect the two and try to find similarities and also some type of motivation so that way the person can not only see what the two have in common, but also try to go beyond and explore on their knowledge.

  Remo Drum Heads uploaded this video on Youtube of students doing better in school by taking on a music classes. Not only do they find it fun but it makes them want to better in school so that way they can stay in the music program. Seeing this just put the biggest smile on my face and gave me hope that music and education can work together. :)


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Quote Of The Day

  My favorite quote ever is one of the main reasons why I still practice and play the drums to this day.

"Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent." - C. Belyea

  Now I heard this when I was in jr. high from my old band director, Charlotte Belyea, now I know she's not the person that made the quote but she is the one that introduced it to me so I'm giving her the credit. If anyone knows who made this quote originally please let me know because I've been looking for the longest time.

  Good Day! :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Here is a awesome drum duet remix of The Beatles song "Come Together" by Jared Falk  and Cobus Potgieter. It is so good! If you are a Beatles fan then you will love this and if you are a real Beatles you'll probably think they just ruined the song. Oh well, hope you like it! :)


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

It's Getting Better #1

     One of the things that drummers find challenging is how can we make our lives easier when it comes to the drumset and what we can do to improve it and not really worry about it. Well we are lucky enough to have companies to take that time to make things that can improve our drum life without much stress. One of those companies is Gibraltar Hardware and they are always coming up with new ways to make it easier and accessible for drummers to do things with there set-up or come up with new accessories that they think drummers would like. It really appeals to me when companies take the time to focus on the small things that we as drummers struggle with because it really is the small things that count and if they aren't working or if they aren't working to your requirements then you want to see what other options  out there that can work for you. I will be showing a lot more products by other companies that I feel are a good use or that appeal to drummers, because what drummer doesn't want things easier? 

   I will be keeping up with cool products so that way you can check them out and hopefully you can look into getting a couple of these products to make your drumming life easier. :)


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Drummer Of The Week

                  Tony Royster Jr. 
 Well if you don't know who Tony Royster Jr. then you are totally missing out! Tony is probably one of the greatest drummers ever and has truly left a mark in the drumming community probably in the past decade and a half. He started playing drums at the age of three and since then he has won the Guitar Center Drum Off (at age 11), he performed at the Grammy's (at age 15), getting multiple sponsorships, working with some top artists, and he is currently on tour with Jay-Z. He even has a couple DVDs out like Pure Energy and Evolution. So you can defiantly see that he has accomplished a lot in the short time he has been in world. 

  If I were to describe his style of drumming it would defiantly be fusion, hip-hop, and just insanely bombastically musical, and the last description I feel is right on point and the people who have ever seen him play would probably agree with me. 

Just talking about him makes me want to just go on Youtube right now and watch him play so I'm just going to stop and just let you watch the videos I have below

   ENJOY! You can thank me later. ;)



Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Drummer Of The Week


Billy Kilson

  Awwww man! Billy Kilson is one of the greatest jazz/ fusion drummer I have ever seen in my entire life. I remember the first time I ever saw him play was when my old band director showed a video to the jazz band last year and it was on a amazing trumpet player named Chris Botti. It was a concert that he did in Boston and me and a couple of the other drummers noticed this drummer in the background playing like a madman. It wasn't that he was going super animal or anything like that, it's the way he poured out himself when he was playing on the kit. This man was moving his entire body, flailing his arms, and was making the most over exaggerated faces when he was performing and I loved every minute of it. I knew that he was giving that 110% when he was playing because you can see it coming out of him when he plays. 
  Right now this usually where I would be talking about the drummers style but I can't put it into words on how much I love Billy's playing so I'm just going to set a link to a interview of Billy on Drum Cafe, which is right here. The interview talks about Billy's background, his style, and his experiences in learning on playing the drums. 
   So with out further a do here is Billy Kilson. :)